Order and cleanliness at work

In all work activities, to achieve an acceptable level of safety, it is vitally important to ensure and maintain adequate conditions of order and cleanliness. The lack of order and cleanliness in the facilities is a risk factor that deserves special attention since it is the cause of many accidents, falls due to stumbles or slips, bumps or steps on objects, and deterioration of equipment or facilities, which can lead to results other than those expected.

To achieve the goal of keeping the company “clean and tidy”, all staff must assimilate concepts such as:

1. Eliminate the unnecessary and classify the useful:

 Have the means to eliminate what is useless, prioritizing the elimination according to its usefulness.

 Classify according to utility and collect the useless in containers.

 Separate those elements that should not be in contact with others.

 In the case of flammable products, use metal drums with a fire-resistant lid.

 Machines with possible leaks must have a collection and drainage system.

 Act on the reasons why waste accumulates.

2. Store the material in appropriate places so that it can be easily located:

 Put everything in its place and eliminate what is useless.

 Collect tools on shelves that are easy to locate and identify.

 Designate the locations based on their functionality and speed of placement.

 Delimit and indicate the location of things.

 Classify waste properly.

3. Avoid dirtying and, if it gets dirty, clean immediately:

 Eliminate and control everything that can dirty.

 Cleaning is the means of controlling the state of things.

 Cleaning people must be properly trained and equipped.

 Quickly eliminate residues or substances that can contaminate and cause accidents.

 Avoid slippery floors due to oils or grease. Windows will be cleaned to allow light to enter.

 Keep changing rooms, showers, etc. clean.

 Involve staff in cleaning the environment.

 Control the critical points that generate dirt.

4. Generate work habits aimed at favoring order and cleanliness, etc:

 The characteristics of the floors, ceilings, etc. They shall be such as to allow easy cleaning.

 Standardize procedures by order and cleanliness.

 Staff training.

 Mark corridors and transit areas with colors.

What is the 5s methodology?

It considers 5 key points that anyone should pay attention to keep a job in perfect condition.

5 Japanese words come to define a methodology of order in the company:

 SEIRI: Select or classify. Eliminate the unnecessary!

 SEITON: Organize or order. Find it on it site!

 SEISO: Clean. A clean environment says a lot about us!

 SEIKETSU: Personal well-being. Keep this situation!

 SHITSUKE: Discipline and habit. Keep 5s!

By following each step, you will reduce:

 Activities that do not add value

 The accidents


 The level of inventories

 Useless movements and transfers

 The time to locate materials and tools

And, on the other hand, the benefits will be:

 More space and greater well-being

 More safety in the facilities

 Greater pride in the place where we do our work

 Improved company´s image before customers, generating more trust

 Increased cooperation, knowledge

 Improved teamwork

 Increased commitment and responsibility of staff

 Greater knowledge of the position 

Final evaluation

The routines of maintaining order and organization serve to improve efficiency in our workplace and quality of life, in addition to increasing safety in companies.

This model and current regulations can help us to work in a clean and orderly work environment, with which workers benefit every day and the company acquires a high degree of daily productivity due to excellent working conditions.


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